Ok, I am going to make a confession.....I absolutely LOVE chocolate hobnobs. It stems from when I was young. So, here I am giving you my homemade equivalent of the hobnob with a lot less sugar but still tastes divine. I have done the kids taste test and these passed with flying colours. Give them a go and I promise, you won't be disappointed. TIP: if you find the mix is slightly dry, add 40ml of cold water to the mix before scooping out onto your baking tray.
1 Cup (100g) Gluten Free oats
1/4 Cup (30g) Gluten Free oat flour
Pinch of salt
1/2 Cup (50g) ground almonds
1/3 Cup (80ml) coconut oil, melted
1tbsp Maple syrup or other liquid sweetener
100g Chocolate of choice – recommend at least, 70%, ideally use 80% or even 85%
1. Preheat your oven to 160C fan assisted.
In a bowl, mix together the oats, oat flour, ground
almonds and salt, then pour in the melted coconut
oil and maple syrup.
2. Scoop onto a baking sheet covered with parchment
paper and shape into equal sized biscuits.
3. Bake for 12—15 minutes. Leave to cool completely
before adding the chocolate.
4. Break the chocolate up into pieces and place in
a heat-proof bowl. Melt over a pan of simmering
5. Flip the biscuits (so the bottom is facing up) and
spread the chocolate on top. Leave to set.